
This website is designed to facilitate the exchange and sharing of information among managers, scholars, researchers, lecturers, students, and technicians interested in “Forest Resources and Environment Management – FREM.

CYS Home page

It encompasses various types of information, including:

  • Journal articles and papers presented at conferences and workshops.
  • Books and reports showcasing technical and scientific findings and advancements.
  • Textbooks, workbooks, and guidelines tailored to support learning and practical application.
  • PhD and Master’s dissertations exploring pertinent topics within the field.

The primary goal is to support the dissemination of knowledge, skills and foster collaboration within the realm of FREM.




Bao Huy, Ph.D., Prof.

– Independent Researcher/ Consultant, Forest Resources & Environment Management Consultancy (FREM)
– Scholar at Oregon State University (OSU), USA.
– Honorary Fellow of the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)
(Honorary Fellow is an award that is the highest honor that the Center for People and Forests can provide. It is reserved for those who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and contribution to advancing people-centred forestry in Asia and the Pacific.).
Add.: 06 Nguyen Hong, Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak Province, Viet Nam
Website: http://baohuy-frem.org
Email: baohuy.frem@gmail.com
Mobile: (+84) 98 308 4145